What is Christmas REALLY all about?

What is Christmas REALLY all about?

It’s not about a tree decorated in your home with tinsel, ornaments and beautiful blinking lights.

It’s not about the lights in your yard or the decorations that you may put outside.

It’s not about the presents under the tree even if they’re for people that you really love.

It’s not about the cards that you may get or receive.

It’s about a risen savior who came to this earth was born in a barn for HE loves you so much came especially for you knowing all the while HE would die for your sins and mine.

That’s what Christmas is all about.

Imagine our world if we spent time serving the lost the last and the least that we spent decorating our homes.

Yes they are a lot of fun and yes they do bring great meaning and traditions to our homes and family.

And although that is very important serving others is even more so.

Love you all and hope you have a great Christmas.

Wise men and women still seek Him.

And remember wherever you go and whatever you do to smile for you may be the only Jesus someone sees today.

In the matchless name of Jesus Christ the name above all names.

Spend some time with your creator today he loves you and so do I.

