Mother’s Day is So Much More Than a Day

Mother’s Day it’s so much more than a day.

It’s about when we were young and all those dirty diapers and all those times you cried incessantly. It’s about the skint knees and the Band-Aids. It’s about going to plays and her seeing only you standing there on the stage. It’s about the artwork but nobody really knows what it is, but you think it’s a masterpiece. It’s about helping with homework, ignoring the mess in our room and always looking out for the best in each and every one of us.

Mother’s Day is more than just a day it’s much more than that. For without our mothers our hearts would not be nearly as good. As men and women we would not be able to see the world the way we need to. For our mothers are indeed truly the heart of the home.

Mother’s Day is much more than just a day. It’s much more than that. Mothers make us biscuits on those weekend mornings from scratch, whatever the heck scratch is. It’s about a home cooked meal when often we want to be by ourselves but in reality we need to be with each other more than ever before. A mom is someone who believes the best in us when we feel like we’ve given out.

For indeed your birth and your initial nine months of Earth in her womb were only the beginning. But what a mother gives during her life to her husband and to her children is much more than life itself.

Thank you mom’s you rock.