Economic Survival During Coronavirus

Economic Survival During Coronavirus

Much of what one does during a down economic time will either positively or negatively impact much of what occurs during this time. 

Stay Alert. Plan. Plan & Plan Again. Life, as well as our financial security, is indeed a journey rather than a destination. Any missteps along the way will cause delays and undue roadblocks in achieving some semblance of financial security. 

Little Expenditures Will Hurt You/Monitor Small Outlays. Keeping tabs on the little things are what makes good companies great and what allows us to save little by little towards greater financial freedom. Just as an athlete rehearses all their mechanics over and over again, focusing on each individual step, so we should train ourselves to be wise stewards of our God given resources. Recurring monthly expenditures are a specific area in which we can easily see how quickly our spending can get out of hand.