Atlanta Bookkeeping Solutions & Services

August 14th, 2016

Atlanta Bookkeeping Solutions & Services for GROWING Metro Atlanta Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

This past week we began working with one of our new Metro Atlanta business clients handling all their bookkeeping. This allows our entrepreneur/owner to focus on the business while we focus on the administrative and financial affairs of the business.

Top 3 reasons you want to use a CPA for your bookkeeping service for your growing business

1. A CPA is going to look after your best interests rather than having you meet and satisfy the bookkeepers program. A CPA will generate a program to meet the specific needs of YOUR particular business & adapted as your business grows.

2. The CPA will often recommend items for you to do that save you money and even reduce CPA fees because it’s in YOUR best interest. I do this because of my desire to help rather than hinder GROWING clientel.

3. A CPA has intimate knowledge about business tactics, Best Practices and tax law allowing you to be on the Forefront in making decisions when they matter the day that your face them.

