Are You Content in All Things? Are You Truly Content in Anything?

Are You Content in All Things? Are You Truly Content in Anything?

There are a couple of little “catch phrases” I believe many if not all of us have used during I lives. I know I have and for the most part using them and having them come to pass never really solved any of the problems that I have encountered in my lifetime. Those phrases are, “If only” and “I can’t wait”.

If only I can make that promotion and make more money my problems would be solved. If only I could get that bank loan, we could have a bigger and better house or a new car. Or I can’t wait ’til Friday gets here. I can’t wait until I graduate from high school or college. Some people “if only or can’t wait” themselves their whole lives and find that they are still in the same place they started. Money or social status are not the basis of contentment. It is the personal relationship you are able to develop with Jesus Christ that will give you true contentment.

I am in the fall of my life and I can tell you there are not any more if only’s in my life nor really any can’t waits. But I can tell you that I am finally content in my social and financial life. No I am not rich nor a person well known in my community. I am rich in my contentment with knowing that Jesus is now and has always been Lord of my life. Any anxiety I may have had due the if onlys and I can’t waits were due to my choices made in my life. In all circumstances we have choices and it’s those choices we make that determine our true level of contentment. I am not saying not to try to achieve to the best of your abilities but to be content in the present and your future will be more joyfully achieved. I would refer to to what Paul says in Philippians 4:12;

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”

I think if you follow Paul’s lead you to will find that your life will be much less stressful at a very young age and you will at the very least reach the level of joyful contentment I have at this stage of my life. I wish I had done so much earlier.

In the love of Christ Jesus, Gary

Jeremiah 29:11

