How and Why I Run My Own Business

How and Why I Run My Own Business

Recently I received an inquiry from a fellow CPA who was looking to start a CPA firm. In drafting my reply to them I was able to remind myself how much I love being a CPA and helping others.

The below was my response….word for word.

Great to get your note and CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to go out on your own. Have been doing for now 31 plus years and still love it as much as Day 1.  Have always felt have done better financially and a better quality of life as a result of this ride.

I opted based upon my background to market exclusively to business owners and believe it was best strategic decision I have reached. Several clients over the years have generated annual revenue close to as much and more than I was generating when I was previously working as a CFO for one company.

Entrepreneurship to me is a lifestyle and one I LOVE.

If you find a niche that fits you the best I would market that almost exclusively. Have found that being an active member of Business Groups (Gwinnett Chamber etc) is key point in both giving back to the community and serving others!

I believe it essential to have a good web site that tells the story of who you are and what you do. Over the years I developed mine to be a resource center both for my work and those who found my web site.

Day 1 when I started my business and for the first several years I was meticulous about tracking my marketing efforts by category, the time involved and the success of each. Soon I learned what I liked the best and what worked best for me in my efforts. I always sought when and where appropriate to let others know what I do and how I best do it.

Praying you ever success!!!!!!