Are You Receiving Threatening Letters from the IRS?

Is the IRS Breathing Down Your Back?

Are You Receiving Threatening Letters from the IRS?

Has the IRS Sent You a Garnishment, a Tax Lien or Notice of Seizure?

Do you have unpaid income taxes, payroll taxes or sales taxes?

Are IRS Tax Problems

Breaking Your Back?

Got Old Back Taxes That Need to Be Filed ASAP?

Have You Gotten Behind on Your Business Taxes?

Facing IRS Tax Representation Issues?

Need Help in the Filing of Your Old Tax Returns?Get your Tax Year Off on the RIGHT Foot.

The below is a sample letter we might receive off of our web site. Be Sure You Find and Work With a CPA in Your Area who is well experienced in tax representation issues to Ensure you Pay ONLY Your Lowest Legal Tax and Avoid Costly Delays and Tax Penalties?

Hi John: I hope you enjoyed the holidays.

I have a business here in Duluth/Gwinnett that I am dealing with that has not filed returns in over 10 years. I need to figure out how to advise them on this. Can we just file for the last 3 and hope the IRS does not pitch a fit? The records prior to that are not well maintained and it will be difficult to pull it together for the prior years.

Is this something that you can do? If so, can you give me a ball park on the cost of doing this. Also, they will need book keeping services to help to straighten out their accounting process. If this is something that you do, can you ball park for me the monthly cost of doing the accounting and returns annually? What additional information would you need for me to gather in order for you to do an assessment and make a proposal? Let me know. Thanks,

Below is our response:

Thanks very much for thinking of me. You can try just filing the latest three years but that would not be what would be best as technically the more years you have not filed for an extended time period the IRS has a harsher propensity to address. In fact the ten year statute for the IRS addressing those returns has not started until the return is either filed or assessed by the IRS so essentially the issue would remain open/unaddressed until the return is filed.

For all of our clients we work hard to guide them in addressing their bookkeeping issues working to ensure they have a simple yet very workable chart of accounts that will allow them to both file their returns and to have substantive and meaningful profit and loss statements and going forward management reporting. We have found in doing it this way we work with a client to provide a better short and long-term solution while guiding them in either hiring a bookkeeper or assist in guiding them through the process of pulling their data together.

To truly best provide a meaningful quote we would need a copy of their last return filed. Please feel free to have them PDF it to me and then for us to have a conversation about how we might best compile their data starting with the oldest return first and then working towards the most current allowing for any roll-forward issues to be correctly addressed on subsequent returns.

Fee-wise the returns themselves would depend upon the complexity of the returns and how well the bookkeeping data is compiled. Any time required to get the data ready to prepare the returns would be done at our standard hourly rates. Also at the bottom of our home page we have a tax checklist they can use to pull their tax information together. I suggest a free initial meeting where we might discuss the particulars in person.