Getting your Tax Affairs in Order

December 13th, 2016

Getting your Tax Affairs in Order.

It doesn’t have to be hard or even difficult. But we do need to take the time to slow down and to meet with a business professional most often your CPA.

A good CPA can help guide you in the way that you should best organize your data so that you may stay abreast of your business operations.
This way you will be better able to maximize your profits as well as to mitigate your taxes.

Even this past week we are working hand-in-hand with a client who has been paying $61,000 to their present CPA. Unfortunately this is not because the CPA is doing work that is critical for the CPA do. It is more the result of the CPA doing “everything accounting” and not delegating items that are easily delegated such as to a payroll service or an accounts payable assistant. I’m putting together a plan will send to the client today that should save them roughly $25,000 and potentially more if they want to do quarterly financials instead of monthly.

Be sure that your CPA is working for you and not the other way around.
