Charleston Dawn A Voice of One John Dillard, Author HIS CPA, PC Contact Links The Charleston Series The Inspiration Series Book Signings and Appearances What Readers Are Seying Overcoming Life's 9/11's Low Country Calling

The Inspiration Series

We are all faced with obstacles, disappointments and failures in our lives and we are continually seeking ways to overcome life’s challenges.  We get mired in the day-to-day and forget that through God, all things are possible, by the knowledge and faith in God’s word. As you read along you will see how to persevere through untold tragedies, how to accomplish great things in God’s name and how to live your life the way God always intended. The Inspiration Series will show how, through prayer and being “still”, to discern God’s immutable will for their lives. Sharing the stories of how ordinary people like you and me can do great things through God’s providence, guiding us to see how God is divinely in control of our lives and that God’s discipline is the tool God uses as an act of love, making us more like him.  All books in The Inspiration Series are to be used to develop Bible study handbooks, speaking engagements and a series for children as well.

The Inspiration Series is for those who are just stepping out in their faith to those who have been seeking God’s will all their lives.  It will touch those who are lost, frustrated, who feel insignificant and show them that God has a purpose for them and needs each and every one of us to fulfill his perfect will.  It is for readers who are looking to deepen their relationship with Christ and further seek to overcome life’s challenges God’s way.  It will help all readers to learn how to discern God’s will and do his calling and not that of their own.

At present, there is not a book that is in direct competition with The Inspiration Series as we strive to better see God’s will, defining moments, and His destiny for our lives. You will be able to look to these works as a guide and prayer bringing fresh revelations predominantly by the study of the Old Testament discovering the love and grace of our God rather than his condemnation. Come along as you discover a God who is your Abba Father who will never forsake or desert you. As you read you will gain confidence with easy to follow applications and actionable guidelines to help you accomplish the best for your life.

In life as we grow in both knowledge and wisdom we are able to witness people in both the best and worst of times. I have seen many friends and associates soar well beyond what they had originally seen as limiting factors. I enjoy and relish being able to make a difference in the lives of others.

Overcoming Life’s 9/11’s is the first of the series and A Voice of One follows.

Overcoming Life's 9/11’s

God’s Way of Overcoming Obstacles in Your Life
The First Volume of John Dillard's Inspiration Series

Overcoming Life's 9/11'sThe walk of a believer is often fraught with trials and tribulations leading to both defeat and victory. Life’s tragedies, your personal 9/11’s come into our lives seemingly in waves as we face obstacles, which both challenge our confidence and test our faith. Time stood still as the towers fell on that fateful day on September 11, 2001 and lives all over the world were changed forever and the world as we knew it would never be the same.  It is only by the power of an almighty God that we are to persevere.

As tragedy befalls our life, God shares his wisdom with us so we might overcome the world. By leaning on him in the darkness that befalls us, we are able to rise above circumstances that otherwise might cripple our lives. There will be times when you will feel abandoned by all those about you who choose to criticize rather than support and encourage you. We all need a “safe place to fall,” a family member or a brother or sister in Christ who will comfort us in our time of need. Come along one man’s journey as he loses it all becoming both mentally and physically challenged at every turn discovering God never leaves his side and indeed believes in him even during his darkest times. God has a unique calling on our lives and it is through Overcoming Life’s 9/11’s we are able to become more like him.

"Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people."
Isaiah 57:14

A Voice of One

Accomplishing God’s Special Mission for Your Life
The Second Volume of John Dillard's Inspiration Series

A Voice of OneYou alone are uniquely positioned to achieve God’s vision for your life. A God who knows the number of the very hairs on your head has a great purpose only you can accomplish. Learn how one man, Nehemiah, made a difference in the lives of many. Seeking God’s will each and every step of the way, Nehemiah prayerfully seeks to rebuild the walls, which protect the city of Jerusalem and her people.

Nestled deep in the Bible’s Old Testament lived an ordinary man who steps out to accomplish great things in God’s name. Leaving the safety of his position as the cupbearer to the king of Babylon, Nehemiah puts himself into harm’s way exposing himself to enemies who scheme and purpose to see him fail. Overcoming each and every obstacle, Nehemiah’s destiny is to rebuild Jerusalem’s city’s walls that were essential for the nation’s very survival.

The remnant of Israel had been in exile and was beginning to return to the Promised Land only to find the land of their forefathers in disarray. Jerusalem’s city walls lay in ruin exposing her to enemies who would threaten the nation’s very existence. Following the burden God lays on his heart Nehemiah rebuilt the city’s walls in just fifty-two days. Leading the way, Nehemiah asks for assistance from those who can help him the most and prayerfully develops a team unifying them to accomplish a miraculous feat.

Prayerfully, Nehemiah sets out and quietly brings together the whole of the Jewish nation. Finding doomsayers at every turn, Nehemiah overcomes each and every obstacle and builds, brick by brick, the ramparts that will protect the city from her foes. Never deterred in his vision, Nehemiah continues developing a coalition uniting a people giving them leadership and a clear vision and ultimately rededicating the city and its people to God.

Nehemiah never falters and never sways from his mission. God has a special plan for your life and a reward at its end. We serve a God who wants only the best for you and your life. Ask and act boldly to serve and to do great things in God’s name!

A Voice of One calling: ‘In the desert prepare the way for the LORD;
make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God’”
(Isaiah 40:3)